Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Preschool Send-off Checklist

If you're a parent who'll soon be bringing your child to preschool for the first time, please get a copy of Smart Parenting, June issue. I contributed a checklist of things parents need to prepare for before that big send-off to school. Entitled "I'm Ready for School!," the guide includes questions you need answered and helpful tips in the following areas:

First Day Blues and Clues: the critical first weeks of classes
The Daily Details: the routines of schooling
The School Supplies: everything material
The Emergency Toolbox: information you'll need, just in case
Home-School Partnership: yes, it is a PARTNERSHIP
The Intangible Backpack: preparing your child in all other aspects

Take a deep breath, co-parents. This is a milestone, not only for our young children, but for us as well. :)

I'm feeling: sentimental about River being in kinder this year.
I'm listening to: River's footsteps as he inches his way to my room.

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